Mini Christmas Tree

With the holidays right around the corner, I wanted to add a little bit of the holiday touch to my bedroom. Unfortunately, with the little space my dorm has, I didn't have very many options. I was considering getting a mini Christmas tree, but there was no way I would be able to find the floorspace for it. It wasn't until I went to Michael's that I found what I was looking for: a tree small enough to fit on my bookshelf. It is about 8 inches tall. It actually is for model scenes. The tree itself is really plain. It has a little bit of a whitish look on the branches to mimic snow. I was considering not even getting it. That is until I found The mini spherical ornaments, light ornaments, and candy canes. I used silver pipecleaners as tinsel. At the end of the say, I really like how it turned out. It adds a little bit of the holiday spirit to my bookshelf without adding too much. Plus decorating it was just as fun as decorating a real Christmas tree.